Monday, March 7, 2011

Unemployment and what I've learned thus far

I am unemployed and I know God has me in the exact moment he wants me in but man is it hard to believe and accept. You see I woke up this morning at a leisurely time of 11 am and went to the kitchen, let out the dogs, lazily got a cup of coffee and thought to myself boy am I going to miss this whenever I do get a job. I do have this out of work routine kinda down to an art. Its exactly as listed above, then after that its to dig into the word for about 30-45 mins. Then its off to the gym and tanning. I love that I have learned how to focus on reading the word first thing in the morning, I used to never have that kind of discipline or general interest for the Bible. I mean don't get me wrong I've loved Jesus for quite a while now but I have never really had a passion to dig deeper.I have been quite irritated with not having a job but, believe it or not I am finally becoming content in everything I do. This is odd because well if you know know I'm never content. I'm always moving around looking for the next best thing.(I mean literally moving around like to Germany and back twice now) I have realized though while I was looking for that content moment I was watching life fly pass me in the most negative mind-state imaginable. Things happen. Life isn't perfect. In Christ though there is beauty in the imperfection and rawness of life. God is good. I know he has a plan and I will prevail! Keep the faith everyone...I know I am :)

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