Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The awkward moment.

In a friendship whenever you realize it will never be the same. This is on my mind today. Take for instance my friend Savannah & I...I will never forget the day I moved out 6 months after moving in, our friendship was never going to be the same. Though we still remain abnormally close we are no longer attached at the hip *or up each others butts 24/7. She is still in Germany I am back in Oklahoma. She is pregnant & married. I have been primararly single for a year & a half. I have another friend who is leaving for another country very soon. This one is in the airforce of course. We have been friends for a good minute I mean 8 years. Here recently I have reconnected with this one, became pretty close again. Then gone...2 weeks from now I won't even be able to shoot a text or pick up a phone and call. Its just crazy how people come in and out of your life so swiftly, as soon as it happens it seems its over as well. I wish I could sleep with ease at night knowing all my friends near and far will never drift away ever...but well its just not reality. Reality is life changes with these changes your friends do too. I guess I'm just contemplating these things as I have recently moved out alone for the first time ever....completly alone. Its too quiet. Too alone. Too adult. I'm happy don't get me wrong. Just still not 100% content. Is there really such a thing though? Feeling distant.

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