Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why Georgia?

Confession. Every time I feel weary or unsure of my paths I listen to John Mayer's Why Georgia. Though I'm not 25 nor near a quarter life crisis, well I can relate. "So what so I've got a smile on? Its hiding the quiet superstitions in my head. Don't believe me don't believe me when I say I've got it down!" I have such great plans for the near future and I hold my head high as I smile confidently reciting them to all who inquire. But well on the inside I have my doubts. Will I be smart enough to conquer this stirring in my soul to become an R.N.? Will I have the patience and dedication to stay on top of my college classes? Will I still have a passion for it all after I have earned the degree? When should I really move out? What part of the city should I move to (north or south or somewhere in the middle) Will I be able to pay all my bills on my own income? Can I really handle being a 100% adult responsible for only myself? These are my thoughts floating in this head of mine. Although I have all these doubts and questions one thing remains certain.

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." -Romans 8:28

Keeping The Faith & Renewing it daily

Enjoy The Video...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do You Ever Get That Feeling????

Do you ever get that feeling? You know the one...Whenever you know someone is going to play a huge role in your life? I personally haven't had this feeling since well to be quite honest probably the 8th or 9th grade. See whenever you are young its perfectly acceptable to say "that person is going to be in my life forever!" or "I just know they are special". Now that I'm adult I believe I am suppose to suppress these feelings as they are probably just wishful thinking, but with you I just can't. I feel you strongly on my heart, but I also hear God's gentle voice whispering patience and guidance. I had to get this out in writing. God is molding my heart into the woman I am meant to be. You will be a huge part of my life and I know it. So I guess this is just a note to the unnamed person....I feel it. That's all you need to know. :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Getting Past Your Past.

Right now we are in a series called "Getting Past Your Past" at church. It has re-awakened alot of things I have had buried in my heart. Here recently at work I have been beginning to know/learn about my co-workers. As they are getting to know me I have told them my crazy history in life for such a young woman. As I look back on these things I feel sick. I have feelings of fondness and loathing over my time with him. How is this possible? I guess with all that is going on in my life I look back at my time with him as a moment of independence. I had my own apartment and I felt needed (even if it was just to do laundry, clean house, cook, and go to work) I miss feeling so necessary. I know it sounds nuts. I also fear I will never allow myself to fully feel again for another man the way I felt for him. It will be a year next month since it was officially over. I guess I just feel like a fool for still hurting from it all. I have noticed with serious breakups and divorces it seems as though one moves on so swiftly its insane while the other never fully recovers. A walking joke trying to smile and act as if they are okay while on the inside they have built a brick wall with barbed wire and electrical currents protecting the contents of their small piece of a heart they have left. I forgave him some time ago and he has forgiven me but that being said, why can't I move on? How do I backtrack and pick up the pieces of my heart I have lost along the way to make it full again? I know I'm made whole and complete in Christ. I just wish I wouldn't have gave such a big portion to him...that's what happens though whenever you make someone else the reason you live rather than God himself. I'm just having an off night reminiscing about things I have no control over. I've got to get past my past. I'm working on it so hard!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lets Dance...

M. Ward's cover of Lets Dance by David Bowie. Weirdest thing is I never connected the 2 together because it sounds so different and I'm not a crazy fan of 80s pop. Anyways here are a couple of images that I see in my mind as I listen to this lovely little number...

As you can see I day dream about certain songs in mostly black and white this is one of them.... A random music blog.

P.S. If you ever drop by starbucks check out their pick of the weeks they debut free music via itunes weekly from upcoming and well known artist!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Blogger's woes

It seems as though you can never please everyone, nor do I try to. I must say though here recently I have done my fair share of making people angry with my beliefs and expressions whether it be via twitter, facebook, or blog. I feel its only natural to address this as it has been occurring oh so frequently. Here are my views and key points.

1) My blog, facebook, and twitter are all MINE where I am free to say as I please.

2) If you don't like it please don't click on the link. If I didn't want to hear your opinions and ideas I wouldn't go to your site.

3) Don't be concited enough to ASSUME that I am talking about you. If you do well you know what they say about assuming...

4) If I do feel like blogging or facebooking about you I will. If you confront me about it I will give you my honest reasons as to why I did. I am obviously an open book so confrontation is not a big deal at all for me!

5) These are all thoughts, ideas, and opinions I have formed based on what I have seen through out life.

6) Finally Enjoy it! If you are not enjoying my blog then I'm sorry I don't entice you, don't waste your time reading if its that lame and unenjoyable!

<3 <3 <3 Meg D.

**I will be here for a while**